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The application consists of several top-level commands pertaining to specific Harbor resources, such as project, repository, artifact, etc. Each of these commands have subcommands that can be used to perform actions on the resource, such as create, delete, list, etc.

See Actions terminology for more information about the semantics of the different actions.


A command is typically invoked as follows:

harbor project list

project is the resource type, and list is the action to perform on the resource, and together they form the command. Most commands are namespaced in this way, where a resource type has one or more actions associated with it. Some command even have subsubcommands, such as:

harbor project metadata field set

For more information about how command names are structured, see Terminology.


Commands sometimes take one or more positional arguments:

artifact tag create library/hello-world:latest my-tag

The command artifact tag create takes two positional arguments:

  • library/hello-world:latest - The artifact to tag
  • my-tag - The name of the tag to create

These are positional arguments, which means the order in which they are specified is important.

Argument types

The expected type of an argument is specified in the command's documentation. The following types are used:


A text string. Can be any sequence of characters. Enclose in quotes if it contains spaces.


A whole number without a decimal point. Unconstrained unless otherwise specified in the command's help text.


A boolean value. Can be true, false, 1, or 0. Case-insensitive.


A boolean argument is typically used for resources whose value can be None, True or False.


A choice between a set of values. The valid values are specified in the help text for the command.


Most commands also have a number of options that can be specified. In certain cases at least one option is required, such as when updating a project with project update:

harbor project update my-project --public false

Since we are updating a resource, we are expected to specify at least one field to update. In this case we set --public to false, making the project private.

Multiple values

Certain options accept multiple values. These can be specified as a comma-separated list:

harbor artifact list --project library,my-project

Or by using the relevant option multiple times:

harbor artifact list --project library --project my-project


Some options are flags, meaning they do not take any arguments. Flags are specified as follows:

harbor project list --public

Flags can be inverted by prefixing the flag name with no-:

harbor project list --no-public


Flags are typically used to toggle a certain behavior. For example, the --public flag for project list can be used to list only public projects.

Global options

Global options are options that apply to all commands. They must be specified before the command. Examples of these are --config, --url and --username.

Global options must be specified before the command to run, e.g.:

harbor --format json project list

See the Options page for more information on the available global options.


For more information about a specific command, use:

harbor <command> --help

See Commands for more in-depth information about how to use the various commands.

Search for commands

To search for a command based on name or description, use:

harbor find QUERY... [OPTIONS]

See harbor find for more information.

Help output

The output of harbor --help shows all the available commands and command groups along with the global options:

$ harbor --help

 Usage: harbor [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...                                      

 Harbor CLI                                                                     

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --config              -c      PATH                   Path to config file.    │
│ --version                                            Show application        │
│                                                      version and exit.       │
│ --install-completion          [bash|zsh|fish|powers  Install completion for  │
│                               hell|pwsh]             the specified shell.    │
│                                                      [default: None]         │
│ --show-completion             [bash|zsh|fish|powers  Show completion for the │
│                               hell|pwsh]             specified shell, to     │
│                                                      copy it or customize    │
│                                                      the installation.       │
│                                                      [default: None]         │
│ --help                                               Show this message and   │
│                                                      exit.                   │
╭─ Harbor ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --url,--harbor-url     -u                     TEXT     Harbor API URL.       │
│                                                        Overrides config      │
│                                                        option harbor.url.    │
│ --username,--harbor-…  -U                     TEXT     Harbor username.      │
│                                                        Overrides config      │
│                                                        option                │
│                                                        harbor.username.      │
│ --secret,--harbor-se…  -S                     TEXT     Harbor secret         │
│                                                        (password). Overrides │
│                                                        config option         │
│                                                        harbor.secret.        │
│ --basicauth            -B                     TEXT     Harbor basic access   │
│                                                        credentials (base64). │
│                                                        Overrides config      │
│                                                        option                │
│                                                        harbor.basicauth.     │
│ --credentials-file     -F                     PATH     Path to Harbor JSON   │
│                                                        credentials file.     │
│                                                        Overrides config      │
│                                                        option                │
│                                                        harbor.credentials_f… │
│ --validate                 --no-validate               Validate Harbor API   │
│                                                        response data. Forces │
│                                                        JSON output format if │
│                                                        disabled. Overrides   │
│                                                        config option         │
│                                                        harbor.validate_data. │
│ --raw                      --no-raw                    Return raw data from  │
│                                                        Harbor API. Overrides │
│                                                        all output formatting │
│                                                        options. Overrides    │
│                                                        config option         │
│                                                        harbor.raw_mode.      │
│ --verify-ssl               --no-verify-ssl             Verify SSL            │
│                                                        certificates when     │
│                                                        connecting to Harbor. │
│                                                        Overrides config      │
│                                                        option                │
│                                                        harbor.verify_ssl.    │
│ --retry                    --no-retry                  Retry failed HTTP     │
│                                                        requests. Overrides   │
│                                                        config option         │
│                                                        harbor.retry.enabled. │
│ --retry-max-tries                             INTEGER  Number of times to    │
│                                                        retry failed HTTP     │
│                                                        requests. Overrides   │
│                                                        config option         │
│                                                        harbor.retry.max_tri… │
│ --retry-max-time                              FLOAT    Maximum number of     │
│                                                        seconds to retry      │
│                                                        failed HTTP requests. │
│                                                        Overrides config      │
│                                                        option                │
│                                                        harbor.retry.max_tim… │
╭─ Output ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --table-descripti…      --no-table-desc…                  Include field      │
│                                                           descriptions in    │
│                                                           tables. Overrides  │
│                                                           config option      │
│                                                           output.table.desc… │
│ --table-max-depth                           INTEGER       Maximum depth to   │
│                                                           print nested       │
│                                                           objects in tables. │
│                                                           Overrides config   │
│                                                           option             │
│                                                           output.table.max_… │
│ --table-compact         --no-table-comp…                  Compact table      │
│                                                           output. Has no     │
│                                                           effect on other    │
│                                                           formats. Overrides │
│                                                           config option      │
│                                                           output.table.comp… │
│ --json-indent                               INTEGER       Indentation level  │
│                                                           for JSON output.   │
│                                                           Overrides config   │
│                                                           option             │
│                                                           output.json.inden… │
│ --json-sort-keys        --no-json-sort-…                  Sort keys in JSON  │
│                                                           output. Overrides  │
│                                                           config option      │
│                                                           output.json.sort_… │
│ --format            -f                      [table|json]  Specifies the      │
│                                                           output format to   │
│                                                           use. Overrides     │
│                                                           config option      │
│                                                           output.format.     │
│ --paging                --no-paging                       Display output in  │
│                                                           a pager (less,     │
│                                                           etc.). Overrides   │
│                                                           config option      │
│                                                           output.paging.     │
│ --pager                                     TEXT          Pager command to   │
│                                                           use. The default   │
│                                                           Rich pager will be │
│                                                           used. Overrides    │
│                                                           config option      │
│                                                           output.pager.      │
│ --output            -o                      PATH          Output file, by    │
│                                                           default None,      │
│                                                           which means output │
│                                                           to stdout. If the  │
│                                                           file already       │
│                                                           exists, it will be │
│                                                           overwritten.       │
│ --no-overwrite                                            Do not overwrite   │
│                                                           the output file if │
│                                                           it already exists. │
│ --verbose           -v                                    Enable verbose     │
│                                                           output.            │
│ --with-stdout                                             Output to stdout   │
│                                                           in addition to the │
│                                                           specified output   │
│                                                           file, if any. Has  │
│                                                           no effect if no    │
│                                                           output file is     │
│                                                           specified.         │
╭─ Confirmation & Alerts ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --confirm-deletion       --no-confirm-deletion       Confirm before deleting │
│                                                      resources. Overrides    │
│                                                      config option           │
│                                                      general.confirm_deleti… │
│ --confirm-enumeration    --no-confirm-enumerat…      Confirm before          │
│                                                      enumerating all         │
│                                                      resources without a     │
│                                                      limit or query.         │
│                                                      Overrides config option │
│                                                      general.confirm_enumer… │
│ --warnings               --no-warnings               Show/hide warnings.     │
│                                                      Overrides config option │
│                                                      general.warnings.       │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ artifact         Manage artifacts.                                           │
│ auditlog         Audit log management and access                             │
│ commands         List all commands.                                          │
│ config           Manage Harbor configuration.                                │
│ cve-allowlist    Manage the system-wide CVE allowlist.                       │
│ find             Search for commands based on names and descriptions.        │
│ gc               Garbage Collection scheduling and information               │
│ init             Initialize Harbor CLI configuration file.                   │
│ ldap             LDAP configuration                                          │
│ project          Manage projects.                                            │
│ quota            Quota management                                            │
│ registry         Registry management                                         │
│ repl             Start an interactive REPL.                                  │
│ replication      Registry replication execution and policy.                  │
│ repository       Manage repositories.                                        │
│ retention        Artifact retention policy management and execution.         │
│ sample-config    Print a sample config file to stdout.                       │
│ scan             Scanning of individual artifacts.                           │
│ scan-all         Scanning of all artifacts.                                  │
│ scanner          Manage scanners.                                            │
│ search           Search for projects and repositories.                       │
│ self             Manage the CLI itself.                                      │
│ system           System information                                          │
│ tui              Start a TUI (text-based user interface).                    │
│ user             Manage users.                                               │
│ usergroup        Manage user groups.                                         │
│ webhook          Manage webhooks                                             │