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T = TypeVar('T') module-attribute



Bases: BaseModel

Options that can be used with any command.

These options are not specific to any particular command.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class CommonOptions(BaseModel):
    """Options that can be used with any command.

    These options are not specific to any particular command.

    # Output
    verbose: bool = False
    with_stdout: bool = False
    # File
    output_file: Optional[Path] = None
    no_overwrite: bool = False
    model_config = ConfigDict(extra="allow")


verbose: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute
with_stdout: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute
output_file: Optional[Path] = None class-attribute instance-attribute
no_overwrite: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute
model_config = ConfigDict(extra='allow') class-attribute instance-attribute


Object that encapsulates the current state of the application. Holds the current configuration, harbor client, and other stateful objects that we want access to inside commands.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class State:
    """Object that encapsulates the current state of the application.
    Holds the current configuration, harbor client, and other stateful objects
    that we want access to inside commands.

    _instance = None

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls._instance is None:
            cls._instance = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
            cls._initialized = False
        return cls._instance

    options: CommonOptions = CommonOptions()
    loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop
    repl: bool = False

    # Attributes (exposed as properties)
    _config = None  # type: HarborCLIConfig | None
    _client = None  # type: HarborAsyncClient | None
    _console = None  # type: Console | None

    # Flags to determine if the config or client have been loaded
    _config_loaded: bool = False
    _client_loaded: bool = False

    def __init__(
        config: HarborCLIConfig | None = None,
        client: HarborAsyncClient | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the state object.

        config : HarborCLIConfig | None
            Config to override default config with.
        client : HarborAsyncClient | None
            Harbor client to override the default client with.
        if self._initialized:  # prevent __init__ from running more than once

        # NOTE: these overrides are used mainly for testing
        if config:
            self.config = config
        if client:
            self.client = client
            self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
        except RuntimeError:
            self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        self.options = CommonOptions()

        self._initialized = True

    def client(self) -> HarborAsyncClient:
        """Harbor async client object.

        Returns a client with bogus defaults if the client is not configured.
        # NOTE: we use this pattern so users can invoke commands without
        # first having provided authentication info. Only when we try to
        # use the client, will we detect that no authentication info is provided,
        # and then we can prompt the user for it.
        # We have to keep re-using this client object, because it's directly
        # referenced by the various commands, so we have to patch it in-place
        # when we receive new authentication info.
        if self._client is None:
            # Direct assignment to avoid triggering the setter
            self._client = HarborAsyncClient(
        return self._client

    def client(self, client: HarborAsyncClient) -> None:
        self._client = client
        self._client_loaded = True

    def config(self) -> HarborCLIConfig:
        """The current program configuration.

        Returns a default config if no config is loaded.
        The default config is just a placeholder that is expected
        to be replaced with a custom config loaded from a config file.
        # fmt: off
        if self._config is None:
            from .config import HarborCLIConfig
            self._config = HarborCLIConfig()
        return self._config
        # fmt: on

    def config(self, config: HarborCLIConfig) -> None:
        self._config = config
        self._config_loaded = True

    def is_config_loaded(self) -> bool:
        """Whether or not the the config has been loaded."""
        # If we have assigned a custom config, it's loaded
        return self._config_loaded

    def is_client_loaded(self) -> bool:
        return self._client_loaded

    def console(self) -> Console:
        """Rich console object."""
        # fmt: off
        if not self._console:
            from .output.console import console
            self._console = console
        return self._console
        # fmt: on

    def logger(self) -> Logger:
        """Logger object."""
        from .logs import logger

        return logger

    def authenticate_harbor(self) -> None:
            **self.config.harbor.credentials, verify=self.config.harbor.verify_ssl

    def _init_client(self) -> None:
        """Configures Harbor client if it hasn't been configured yet.

        Prompts for necessary authentication info if it's missing from the config.
        from .harbor.common import prompt_url
        from .output.console import warning

        if not self.config.harbor.url:
            warning("Harbor API URL missing from configuration file.")
            self.config.harbor.url = prompt_url()

        # We need one of the available auth methods to be specified
        # If not, prompt for username and password
        if not self.config.harbor.has_auth_method:
                "Harbor authentication method is missing or incomplete in configuration file."


        # Raw + validate modes
        self.client.raw = self.config.harbor.raw_mode
        self.client.validate = self.config.harbor.validate_data

        # Retry settings
        if self.client.retry is not None:
            self.client.retry.enabled = self.config.harbor.retry.enabled
            self.client.retry.max_tries = self.config.harbor.retry.max_tries
            self.client.retry.max_time = self.config.harbor.retry.max_time

        self._client_loaded = True

    def try_load_config(self, config_file: Optional[Path], create: bool = True) -> None:
        """Attempts to load the config given a config file path.
        Assigns the loaded config to the state object.

        config_file : Optional[Path]
            The path to the config file.
        create : bool, optional
            Whether to create a new config file if one is not found, by default True
        from harbor_cli.output.console import info
        from harbor_cli.output.console import error
        from harbor_cli.output.console import exit_err
        from harbor_cli.output.formatting.path import path_link
        from harbor_cli.commands.cli.init import run_config_wizard
        from harbor_cli.exceptions import ConfigError
        from harbor_cli.config import HarborCLIConfig

        # Don't load the config if it's already loaded (e.g. in REPL)
        if not self.is_config_loaded:
                conf = HarborCLIConfig.from_file(config_file)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                if not create:
                # Create a new config file and run wizard
                info("Config file not found. Creating new config file.")
                conf = HarborCLIConfig.from_file(config_file, create=create)
                if conf.config_file is None:
                    exit_err("Unable to create config file.")
                info(f"Created config file: {path_link(conf.config_file)}")
                info("Running configuration wizard...")
                conf = run_config_wizard(conf.config_file)
            except ConfigError as e:
                error(f"Unable to load config: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)

            self.config = conf

    def check_keyring_available(self) -> None:
        """Checks if the keyring is available if it's enabled in the config file.

        Important to call this method BEFORE saving a snapshot of the config!
        Otherwise, we risk enabling and disabling the keyring over and over again.

        if self.config.harbor.keyring:
            from harbor_cli.utils.keyring import keyring_supported
            from harbor_cli.output.console import warning

            if not keyring_supported():
                    "Keyring is not available on this platform. Set [i default]keyring = false[/] in config to suppress this warning."
                self.config.harbor.keyring = False

    def run(
        coro: Coroutine[None, None, T],
        status: Optional[str] = None,
        no_handle: type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None = None,
    ) -> T:
        """Run a coroutine in the event loop.

        coro : Coroutine[None, None, T]
            The coroutine to run, which returns type T.
        status : str, optional
            The status message to display while the coroutine is running.
        no_handle : type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None
            One or more Exception types to not pass to the default
            exception handler. All other exceptions will be handled.
            If None, all exceptions will be handled.

            The return value of the coroutine.

        See Also
            # Make sure client is loaded and configured
            if not self.is_client_loaded:
                self.authenticate_harbor()  # ensure we use newest credentials

            if not status:
                status = "Working..."
            elif not status.endswith("..."):  # aesthetic :)
                status += "..."

            # show spinner when running a coroutine
                with self.console.status(status):
                    resp = self.loop.run_until_complete(coro)
            except Exception as e:
                if no_handle and isinstance(e, no_handle):
                    raise e
                # fmt: off
                from .exceptions import handle_exception
                # fmt: on
            return resp
            # Close coro in case we never got to run it
            # Unawaited coros emit warnings which we ideally want to know about
            # But if we error before getting to run it, we don't need a warning
            except Exception:
                self.logger.debug("Failed to close coroutine.", exc_info=True)


repl: bool = False class-attribute instance-attribute
loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = asyncio.get_running_loop() instance-attribute
options: CommonOptions = CommonOptions() class-attribute instance-attribute
client: HarborAsyncClient property writable

Harbor async client object.

Returns a client with bogus defaults if the client is not configured.

config: HarborCLIConfig property writable

The current program configuration.

Returns a default config if no config is loaded. The default config is just a placeholder that is expected to be replaced with a custom config loaded from a config file.

is_config_loaded: bool property

Whether or not the the config has been loaded.

is_client_loaded: bool property
console: Console property

Rich console object.

logger: Logger cached property

Logger object.


__new__(*args, **kwargs)
Source code in harbor_cli/
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    if cls._instance is None:
        cls._instance = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        cls._initialized = False
    return cls._instance
__init__(config: HarborCLIConfig | None = None, client: HarborAsyncClient | None = None) -> None

Initialize the state object.


Name Type Description Default
config HarborCLIConfig | None

Config to override default config with.

client HarborAsyncClient | None

Harbor client to override the default client with.

Source code in harbor_cli/
def __init__(
    config: HarborCLIConfig | None = None,
    client: HarborAsyncClient | None = None,
) -> None:
    """Initialize the state object.

    config : HarborCLIConfig | None
        Config to override default config with.
    client : HarborAsyncClient | None
        Harbor client to override the default client with.
    if self._initialized:  # prevent __init__ from running more than once

    # NOTE: these overrides are used mainly for testing
    if config:
        self.config = config
    if client:
        self.client = client
        self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    except RuntimeError:
        self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
    self.options = CommonOptions()

    self._initialized = True
authenticate_harbor() -> None
Source code in harbor_cli/
def authenticate_harbor(self) -> None:
        **self.config.harbor.credentials, verify=self.config.harbor.verify_ssl
try_load_config(config_file: Optional[Path], create: bool = True) -> None

Attempts to load the config given a config file path. Assigns the loaded config to the state object.


Name Type Description Default
config_file Optional[Path]

The path to the config file.

create bool

Whether to create a new config file if one is not found, by default True

Source code in harbor_cli/
def try_load_config(self, config_file: Optional[Path], create: bool = True) -> None:
    """Attempts to load the config given a config file path.
    Assigns the loaded config to the state object.

    config_file : Optional[Path]
        The path to the config file.
    create : bool, optional
        Whether to create a new config file if one is not found, by default True
    from harbor_cli.output.console import info
    from harbor_cli.output.console import error
    from harbor_cli.output.console import exit_err
    from harbor_cli.output.formatting.path import path_link
    from harbor_cli.commands.cli.init import run_config_wizard
    from harbor_cli.exceptions import ConfigError
    from harbor_cli.config import HarborCLIConfig

    # Don't load the config if it's already loaded (e.g. in REPL)
    if not self.is_config_loaded:
            conf = HarborCLIConfig.from_file(config_file)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            if not create:
            # Create a new config file and run wizard
            info("Config file not found. Creating new config file.")
            conf = HarborCLIConfig.from_file(config_file, create=create)
            if conf.config_file is None:
                exit_err("Unable to create config file.")
            info(f"Created config file: {path_link(conf.config_file)}")
            info("Running configuration wizard...")
            conf = run_config_wizard(conf.config_file)
        except ConfigError as e:
            error(f"Unable to load config: {str(e)}", exc_info=True)

        self.config = conf
check_keyring_available() -> None

Checks if the keyring is available if it's enabled in the config file.

Important to call this method BEFORE saving a snapshot of the config! Otherwise, we risk enabling and disabling the keyring over and over again.

Source code in harbor_cli/
def check_keyring_available(self) -> None:
    """Checks if the keyring is available if it's enabled in the config file.

    Important to call this method BEFORE saving a snapshot of the config!
    Otherwise, we risk enabling and disabling the keyring over and over again.

    if self.config.harbor.keyring:
        from harbor_cli.utils.keyring import keyring_supported
        from harbor_cli.output.console import warning

        if not keyring_supported():
                "Keyring is not available on this platform. Set [i default]keyring = false[/] in config to suppress this warning."
            self.config.harbor.keyring = False
run(coro: Coroutine[None, None, T], status: Optional[str] = None, no_handle: type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None = None) -> T

Run a coroutine in the event loop.


Name Type Description Default
coro Coroutine[None, None, T]

The coroutine to run, which returns type T.

status str

The status message to display while the coroutine is running.

no_handle type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None

One or more Exception types to not pass to the default exception handler. All other exceptions will be handled. If None, all exceptions will be handled.



Type Description

The return value of the coroutine.

See Also


Source code in harbor_cli/
def run(
    coro: Coroutine[None, None, T],
    status: Optional[str] = None,
    no_handle: type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None = None,
) -> T:
    """Run a coroutine in the event loop.

    coro : Coroutine[None, None, T]
        The coroutine to run, which returns type T.
    status : str, optional
        The status message to display while the coroutine is running.
    no_handle : type[Exception] | tuple[type[Exception], ...] | None
        One or more Exception types to not pass to the default
        exception handler. All other exceptions will be handled.
        If None, all exceptions will be handled.

        The return value of the coroutine.

    See Also
        # Make sure client is loaded and configured
        if not self.is_client_loaded:
            self.authenticate_harbor()  # ensure we use newest credentials

        if not status:
            status = "Working..."
        elif not status.endswith("..."):  # aesthetic :)
            status += "..."

        # show spinner when running a coroutine
            with self.console.status(status):
                resp = self.loop.run_until_complete(coro)
        except Exception as e:
            if no_handle and isinstance(e, no_handle):
                raise e
            # fmt: off
            from .exceptions import handle_exception
            # fmt: on
        return resp
        # Close coro in case we never got to run it
        # Unawaited coros emit warnings which we ideally want to know about
        # But if we error before getting to run it, we don't need a warning
        except Exception:
            self.logger.debug("Failed to close coroutine.", exc_info=True)


get_state() -> State

Returns the global state object.

Instantiates a new state object with defaults if it doesn't exist.

Source code in harbor_cli/
def get_state() -> State:
    """Returns the global state object.

    Instantiates a new state object with defaults if it doesn't exist."""
    return State()