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MESSAGE_BADREQUEST = '400 Bad request: {method} {url}. Check your input. If you think this is a bug, please report it.' module-attribute

MESSAGE_UNAUTHORIZED = '401 Unauthorized: {method} {url}. Check your credentials.' module-attribute

MESSAGE_FORBIDDEN = '403 Forbidden: {method} {url}. Make sure you have permissions to access the resource.' module-attribute

MESSAGE_NOTFOUND = '404 Not Found: {method} {url}. Resource not found.' module-attribute

MESSAGE_METHODNOTALLOWED = '405 Method Not Allowed: {method} {url}. This is either a bug, or a problem with your server or credentials.' module-attribute

MESSAGE_CONFLICT = '409 Conflict: {method} {url}. Resource already exists.' module-attribute

MESSAGE_PRECONDITIONFAILED = '412 Precondition Failed: {method} {url} Check your input. If you think this is a bug, please report it.' module-attribute

MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTEDMEDIATYPE = '415 Unsupported Media Type: {method} {url}. Check your input. If you think this is a bug, please report it.' module-attribute

MESSAGE_INTERNALSERVERERROR = '500 Internal Server Error: {method} {url}. Check your input. If you think this is a bug, please report it.' module-attribute


EXC_HANDLERS: Mapping[Type[Exception], HandleFunc] = {ValidationError: handle_validationerror, StatusError: handle_status_error, HarborCLIError: handle_notraceback, HTTPError: handle_notraceback, InvalidURL: handle_notraceback, CookieConflict: handle_notraceback, StreamError: handle_notraceback, KeyringError: handle_keyring_error} module-attribute



Bases: Exception

Base class for all exceptions.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class HarborCLIError(Exception):
    """Base class for all exceptions."""


Bases: HarborCLIError

Error loading the configuration file.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class ConfigError(HarborCLIError):
    """Error loading the configuration file."""


Bases: ConfigError, FileNotFoundError

Configuration file not found.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class ConfigFileNotFoundError(ConfigError, FileNotFoundError):
    """Configuration file not found."""


Bases: HarborCLIError, OSError

Error creating a required program directory.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class DirectoryCreateError(HarborCLIError, OSError):
    """Error creating a required program directory."""


Bases: HarborCLIError

Error loading credentials.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class CredentialsError(HarborCLIError):
    """Error loading credentials."""


Bases: HarborCLIError, FileExistsError

Error overwriting an existing file.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class OverwriteError(HarborCLIError, FileExistsError):
    """Error overwriting an existing file."""


Bases: HarborCLIError

Keyring is not supported on this system.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class KeyringUnsupportedError(HarborCLIError):
    """Keyring is not supported on this system."""


Bases: HarborCLIError

Source code in harbor_cli/
class ArtifactNameFormatError(HarborCLIError):
    def __init__(self, s: str) -> None:
            f"Artifact string {s} is not in the correct format. "
            "Expected 'project/repo:tag' OR 'project/repo@sha256:digest'",


__init__(s: str) -> None
Source code in harbor_cli/
def __init__(self, s: str) -> None:
        f"Artifact string {s} is not in the correct format. "
        "Expected 'project/repo:tag' OR 'project/repo@sha256:digest'",


Bases: Protocol

Protocol class for exit function that can be passed to an exception handler function.

See Also


Source code in harbor_cli/
class Exiter(Protocol):
    """Protocol class for exit function that can be passed to an
    exception handler function.

    See Also

    def __call__(
        self, msg: str, code: int = ..., prefix: str = ..., **extra: Any
    ) -> NoReturn:


__call__(msg: str, code: int = ..., prefix: str = ..., **extra: Any) -> NoReturn
Source code in harbor_cli/
def __call__(
    self, msg: str, code: int = ..., prefix: str = ..., **extra: Any
) -> NoReturn:


Bases: Protocol

Interface for exception handler functions.

They take any exception and an Exiter function as the arguments and exit with the appropriate message after running any necessary cleanup and/or logging.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class HandleFunc(Protocol):
    """Interface for exception handler functions.

    They take any exception and an Exiter function as the arguments
    and exit with the appropriate message after running any necessary
    cleanup and/or logging.

    def __call__(self, e: Any, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn:


__call__(e: Any, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn
Source code in harbor_cli/
def __call__(self, e: Any, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn:


Bases: Dict[str, Any]

Dict subclass used for str.format_map() to provide default. Missing keys are replaced with the key surrounded by curly braces.

Source code in harbor_cli/
class Default(Dict[str, Any]):
    """Dict subclass used for str.format_map() to provide default.
    Missing keys are replaced with the key surrounded by curly braces."""

    def __missing__(self, key: str) -> str:
        return "{" + key + "}"


__missing__(key: str) -> str
Source code in harbor_cli/
def __missing__(self, key: str) -> str:
    return "{" + key + "}"


handle_status_error(e: StatusError, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn

Handles an HTTP status error from the Harbor API and exits with the appropriate message.

Source code in harbor_cli/
def handle_status_error(e: StatusError, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn:
    """Handles an HTTP status error from the Harbor API and exits with
    the appropriate message.
    from .output.console import exit_err  # avoid circular import
    from .logs import logger

    # It's not _guaranteed_ that the StatusError has a __cause__, but
    # in practice it should always have one. It is up to harborapi to
    # ensure that this is the case, but it's currently not guaranteed.
    # In the cases where it's not, we just exit with the default message.
    if not e.__cause__:

    url = e.__cause__.request.url
    method = e.__cause__.request.method
    httpx_message = e.__cause__.args[0]

    # Log all errors from the API
    for error in e.errors:
        logger.error(f"{error.code}: {error.message}")

    # Exception has custom message if its message is different from the
    # underlying HTTPX exception's message
    msg = e.args[0]
    has_default_message = httpx_message == msg

    # Use custom message from our mapping if the exception has default HTTPX msg
    # and we have a custom message for the exception type
    # The default HTTPX messages are not very helpful.
    if has_default_message:
        template = MESSAGE_MAPPING.get(type(e), None)
        if template:
            msg = template.format_map(Default(url=url, method=method))

handle_keyring_error(e: KeyringError, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn

Handles a keyring error and exits with the appropriate message.

Source code in harbor_cli/
def handle_keyring_error(e: KeyringError, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn:
    """Handles a keyring error and exits with the appropriate message."""
    if sys.platform == "darwin":
        if (
            isinstance(e, (PasswordSetError, PasswordDeleteError))
            and e.__context__
            and e.__context__.args
            and e.__context__.args[0] == -25244
            _handle_keyring_error_25244_macos(e, exiter)
    exiter(f"A keyring error occurred: {e}", exc_info=True)

handle_validationerror(e: ValidationError, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn

Handles a pydantic ValidationError and exits with the appropriate message.

Source code in harbor_cli/
def handle_validationerror(e: ValidationError, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn:
    """Handles a pydantic ValidationError and exits with the appropriate message."""
    exiter(f"Failed to validate data from API: {e}", errors=e.errors(), exc_info=True)

handle_notraceback(e: HarborCLIError, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn

Handles an exception (no traceback).

Source code in harbor_cli/
def handle_notraceback(e: HarborCLIError, exiter: Exiter) -> NoReturn:
    """Handles an exception (no traceback)."""
    exiter(str(e), exc_info=True)

get_exception_handler(type_: Type[Exception]) -> Optional[HandleFunc]

Returns the exception handler for the given exception type.

Source code in harbor_cli/
def get_exception_handler(type_: Type[Exception]) -> Optional[HandleFunc]:
    """Returns the exception handler for the given exception type."""
    handler = EXC_HANDLERS.get(type_, None)
    if handler:
        return handler
    if type_.__bases__:
        for base in type_.__bases__:
            handler = get_exception_handler(base)
            if handler:
                return handler
    return None

handle_exception(e: Exception) -> NoReturn

Handles an exception and exits with the appropriate message.

Source code in harbor_cli/
def handle_exception(e: Exception) -> NoReturn:
    """Handles an exception and exits with the appropriate message."""
    from .output.console import exit_err  # avoid circular import

    # TODO: resolve circular imports by lazy-importing OverwriteError in output.render

    exiter = cast(Exiter, exit_err)

    handler = get_exception_handler(type(e))
    if not handler:
        raise e
    handler(e, exiter)