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Create a config

Configuration wizard

Harbor CLI is configured via a TOML configuration file which can be created prior to running for the first time by running the init command:

harbor init

This will create a config file at ~/.config/harbor-cli/config.toml1, and then run the interactive configuration wizard. Use the --no-wizard flag to skip the configuration wizard.

You can always find the location of the current configuration file by running the cli-config path command:

harbor cli-config path


cli-config path will show the default config file location if no config file is found.

Alternative config location

To create a configuration file at a location different than the default one, use the --path option:

harbor init --path /path/to/config.toml

The custom file path can then be used when running the application with the --config option:

harbor --config /path/to/config.toml <command>

Sample config

To print a sample configuration file, use the sample-config command:

harbor sample-config > /path/to/config.toml

You can combine sample-config with cli-config path to create a config file at the default location with the sample configuration. This is a non-interactive alternative to using the init command:

harbor sample-config > $(harbor cli-config path)

Edit the file to suit your needs:

code $(harbor cli-config path)

In general, it's better to use init to create and (re-)configure a configuration file, as it will ensure that the file is valid and that all required fields are present.

  1. This project uses platformdirs. See the user_config_dir example in the official platformdirs examples for up-to-date information on what this resolves to. At the time of writing, this is ~/.config/harbor-cli/config.toml on Linux, ~/Library/Preferences/harbor-cli/config.toml on macOS, and %LOCALAPPDATA%\harbor-cli\config.toml on Windows.