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Utility functions that can't be neatly categorized, or are so niche that they don't need their own module.


MappingType = TypeVar('MappingType', bound=MutableMapping[str, Any]) module-attribute



Bases: NamedTuple

Source code in harbor_cli/utils/
class PackageVersion(NamedTuple):
    package: str
    min_version: Optional[str] = None
    max_version: Optional[str] = None
    not_version: Optional[str] = None  # NYI


package: str instance-attribute
min_version: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute
max_version: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute
not_version: Optional[str] = None class-attribute instance-attribute


replace_none(d: MappingType, replacement: Any = '') -> MappingType

Replaces None values in a dict with a given replacement value. Iterates recursively through nested dicts and iterables.

Untested with iterables other than list, tuple, and set.

Source code in harbor_cli/utils/
def replace_none(d: MappingType, replacement: Any = "") -> MappingType:
    """Replaces None values in a dict with a given replacement value.
    Iterates recursively through nested dicts and iterables.

    Untested with iterables other than list, tuple, and set.

    if d is None:
        return replacement

    def _try_convert_to_original_type(
        value: Iterable[Any], original_type: type
    ) -> Iterable[Any]:
        """Try to convert an iterable to the original type.
        If the original type cannot be constructed with an iterable as
        the only argument, return a list instead.
            return original_type(value)
        except TypeError:
            return list(value)

    def _iter_iterable(value: Iterable[Any]) -> Iterable[Any]:
        """Iterates through an iterable recursively, replacing None values."""
        t = type(value)
        v_generator = (item if item is not None else replacement for item in value)
        values = []

        for item in v_generator:
            v = None
            if isinstance(item, MutableMapping):
                v = replace_none(item)
            elif isinstance(item, str):  # don't need to recurse into each char
                v = item  # type: ignore
            elif isinstance(item, Iterable):
                v = _iter_iterable(item)  # type: ignore
                v = item
        if values:
            return _try_convert_to_original_type(values, t)
            return value

    for key, value in d.items():
        if isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
            d[key] = replace_none(value)
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            d[key] = value
        elif isinstance(value, Iterable):
            d[key] = _iter_iterable(value)
        elif value is None:
            d[key] = replacement
    return d

parse_version_string(package: str) -> PackageVersion

Parse a PEP 440 package version string into a PackageVersion tuple.

Must be in the form of <package_name>[{~=,==,!=,<=,>=,<,>}{x.y.z}][,][{~=,==,!=,<=,>=,<,>}{x.y.z}]

Examples: - "foo" - "foo==1.2.3" - "foo>=1.2.3" - "foo>=1.2.3,<=2.3.4"

Source code in harbor_cli/utils/
def parse_version_string(package: str) -> PackageVersion:
    """Parse a PEP 440 package version string into a PackageVersion tuple.

    Must be in the form of `<package_name>[{~=,==,!=,<=,>=,<,>}{x.y.z}][,][{~=,==,!=,<=,>=,<,>}{x.y.z}]`

        - "foo"
        - "foo==1.2.3"
        - "foo>=1.2.3"
        - "foo>=1.2.3,<=2.3.4"
    # super dumb parsing, no regex for now
    parts = package.replace(" ", "").split(",")
    if len(parts) > 2:
        raise ValueError("Invalid package version string")
    package_name = parts[0]
    min_version = None
    max_version = None
    not_version = None  # noqa # NYI

    operators = ["~=", "==", "<=", ">=", "<", ">"]  # no != for now

    p0 = parts[0]
    for op in operators:
        if op not in p0:
        package_name, version = p0.split(op)
        package_name = package_name.strip(op)
        if op in ["~=", "=="] and op in p0:
            return PackageVersion(
                package_name, min_version=version, max_version=version
        elif op in ["<=", "<"] and op in p0:
            max_version = version
        elif op in [">=", ">"] and op in p0:
            min_version = version
    if len(parts) == 1:
        return PackageVersion(
            package_name, min_version=min_version, max_version=max_version

    # max version
    p1 = parts[1]
    if p1 and p1[0] in operators:
        if not any(p1.startswith(op) for op in ["<=", "<"]):
            raise ValueError("Invalid package version string")
        max_version = p1.strip(string.punctuation)
    return PackageVersion(
        package_name, min_version=min_version, max_version=max_version