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T = TypeVar('T') module-attribute



render_result(result: T, ctx: typer.Context | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Render the result of a command stdout or file.


Name Type Description Default
result T

The result of a command.

ctx Context

The typer context from the command invocation, by default None

**kwargs Any

Additional keyword arguments to pass to the render function.

Source code in harbor_cli/output/
def render_result(result: T, ctx: typer.Context | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """Render the result of a command stdout or file.

    result : T
        The result of a command.
    ctx : typer.Context, optional
        The typer context from the command invocation, by default None
        Additional keyword arguments to pass to the render function.
    # Short form aliases
    state = get_state()
    fmt = state.config.output.format
    paging = state.config.output.paging
    raw_mode = state.config.harbor.raw_mode
    validation = state.config.harbor.validate_data

    ctx_manager = console.pager() if paging else nullcontext()
    with ctx_manager:  # type: ignore # not quite sure why mypy is complaining here
        if raw_mode:  # raw mode ignores output format
            render_raw(result, ctx, **kwargs)
        elif fmt == OutputFormat.JSON or not validation:
            render_json(result, ctx, **kwargs)
        elif fmt == OutputFormat.TABLE:
            render_table(result, ctx, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown output format {fmt!r}.")

render_table(result: T | Sequence[T], ctx: typer.Context | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Render the result of a command as a table.

Source code in harbor_cli/output/
def render_table(
    result: T | Sequence[T], ctx: typer.Context | None = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    """Render the result of a command as a table."""
    # TODO: handle "primitives" like strings and numbers

    # Try to render compact table if enabled
    state = get_state()
    compact = state.config.output.table.compact
    if compact:
            render_table_compact(result, **kwargs)
        except NotImplementedError as e:
            logger.debug(f"Unable to render compact table: {e}")
        except (EmptySequenceError, BuiltinTypeException):
            pass  # can't render these types

    # If we got to this point, we have not printed a compact table.
    # Use built-in table rendering from harborapi.

render_table_compact(result: T | Sequence[T], **kwargs) -> None

Render the result of a command as a compact table.

Source code in harbor_cli/output/
def render_table_compact(result: T | Sequence[T], **kwargs) -> None:
    """Render the result of a command as a compact table."""
    renderable = get_renderable(result, **kwargs)

render_table_full(result: T | Sequence[T], **kwargs) -> None

Source code in harbor_cli/output/
def render_table_full(result: T | Sequence[T], **kwargs) -> None:
    state = get_state()
    show_description = state.config.output.table.description
    max_depth = state.config.output.table.max_depth

    def print_item(item: T | str) -> None:
        """Prints a harbor base model as a table (optionally with description),
        if it is a harborapi BaseModel, otherwise just prints the item."""
        if isinstance(item, HarborBaseModel):
                item.as_panel(with_description=show_description, max_depth=max_depth)

    if isinstance(result, Sequence) and not isinstance(result, str):
        for item in result:

render_json(result: T | Sequence[T], ctx: typer.Context | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Render the result of a command as JSON.

Source code in harbor_cli/output/
def render_json(
    result: T | Sequence[T], ctx: typer.Context | None = None, **kwargs: Any
) -> None:
    """Render the result of a command as JSON."""
    state = get_state()
    p = state.options.output_file
    with_stdout = state.options.with_stdout
    no_overwrite = state.options.no_overwrite
    indent = state.config.output.JSON.indent
    sort_keys = state.config.output.JSON.sort_keys

    # We use a Pydantic RootModel to render any type as JSON
    class Output(RootModel[Union[T, Sequence[T]]]):
        root: Union[T, Sequence[T]]

    o = Output(root=result)
    o_json = o.model_dump_json(indent=indent)

    # TODO: Take a look at this. We probably _do_ want to support file output
    # since we have a REPL and thus users can't use a shell redirect there,
    # and as such we need some way to natively support writing the JSON output
    # to a file. This, however, is a bit confusing with the `--with-stdout` option.
    # Maybe the answer is to just remove the `--with-stdout` option and always
    # print the output to the terminal regardles, and PERHAPS add a `--no-stdout` option.

    if p:
        if p.exists() and no_overwrite:
            raise OverwriteError(f"File {p.resolve()} exists.")
        with open(p, "w") as f:
            info(f"Output written to {p.resolve()}")

    # Print to stdout if no output file is specified or if the
    # --with-stdout flag is set.
    if not p or with_stdout:
        # We have to specify indent again here, because print_json()
        # ignores the indent of the JSON string passed to it.
        console.print_json(o_json, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)

render_raw(result: Any, ctx: typer.Context | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None

Render the result of data fetched in raw mode.

Source code in harbor_cli/output/
def render_raw(result: Any, ctx: typer.Context | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """Render the result of data fetched in raw mode."""
    state = get_state()
        result = json.dumps(result)
        console.print_json(result, indent=state.config.output.JSON.indent)
    except Exception as e:
        warning(f"Unable to render raw data as JSON: {e}")