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Interactive mode

Invoking zabbix-cli without any arguments will start the application in an interactive shell. This is the default mode of operation, and is the most user-friendly way to use the application.


Within the interactive shell, commands can be entered and executed. Command and argument hints, tab autocompletion and history are supported out of the box.

% zabbix-cli
│ Welcome to the Zabbix command-line interface (v3.0.0)      │
│ Connected to server http://localhost:8082 (v7.0.0)         │
Type --help to list commands, :h for REPL help, :q to exit.

Single command mode

Commands can also be invoked directly from the command line. This is useful for scripting and automation, as well for just running one-off commands.

zabbix-cli show_hostgroup "Linux servers"

Bulk mode

Zabbix CLI also supports running commands sourced from a file with the --file option. This is useful for running a series of commands in bulk.

The file should contain one command per line, with arguments separated by spaces. Comments can be added with #.

$ cat /path/to/commands.txt
# This is a comment
show_hostgroup "Linux servers"
create_host --host "" --hostgroup "Linux servers,Applications" --proxy .+ --status on --no-default-hostgroup --description "Added in bulk mode"
create_hostgroup "My new group"
add_host_to_hostgroup "My new group"
$ zabbix-cli --file /path/to/commands.txt
│ ID │ Name          │ Flag  │ Hosts │
│ 2  │ Linux servers │ Plain │       │
✓ Created host '' (10634)
✓ Created host group My new group (31).
│ Hostgroup    │ Hosts                 │
│ My new group │ │
✓ Added 1 host to 1 host group.