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Migration Guide

Zabbix CLI 3.0 introduces a whole range of new features and improvements, as well as deprecating some old ones. This guide is intended to help you migrate from Zabbix CLI 2.x to 3.0.

Notable changes include:



  • New export formats
    • yaml
    • php
  • New default export filenames
    • Exported files are no longer prefixed with zabbix_export_
    • Exported files no longer include a timestamp in the filename by default. Newer exports overwrite older ones automatically.


  • Command invocation syntax
    • Using zabbix-cli -C 'command args ...' is no longer required.
    • Commands can be invoked directly with zabbix-cli command args ...
  • Command syntax
    • Commands use positional arguments to a lesser degree than in 2.x. Named options are now preferred.
    • Legacy positional arguments are deprecated and will generate a warning when used.
    • Most prompts have been removed and replaced with named options due to the increase in scope of the commands.


  • JSON output format
    • The JSON output format has changed. The old format can be enabled with the app.legacy_json_format option in the new TOML configuration file format.
    • When using a legacy .conf configuration file, the old JSON format is assumed.

Config file

Multiple changes have been made to the application's configuration file, in terms of format, location and option names.

New configuration file format

The configuration file is now in TOML format. The old .conf format is deprecated but can still be loaded. Old configs generate a warning when used. See configuration for more information on the new format.

An old configuration file can be migrated using the migrate_config command:

zabbix-cli migrate_config

The command uses the currently loaded configuration file to generate a new TOML configuration file. The new file is saved in the default TOML configuration file location.

Custom source and destination files can be specified with the --source and --destination options, respectively:

zabbix-cli migrate_config --source /path/to/old/config.conf --destination /path/to/new/config.toml

New default configuration file location

The location of the configuration file is now determined by platformdirs. See Configuration for a brief summary of the new default location.

To open the default configuration file directory, use the command:

zabbix-cli open config

New configuration options

New configuration options have been introduced to the configuration file:

Option Description Default
app.default_format Default output format in the CLI table
app.legacy_json_format Enable legacy json format false

Renamed configuration options

Several configuration options have been renamed to better reflect their purpose.

The following table lists the old config section names and their new counterparts:

Old Config Section New Config Section
zabbix_api api
zabbix_config app

The following table lists the old option names and their new counterparts:

Old Config Section Old Option Name New Config Section New Option Name
zabbix_config zabbix_api_url api url
zabbix_config cert_verify api verify_ssl
zabbix_config system_id api username
zabbix_config default_directory_exports app export_directory
zabbix_config default_export_format app export_format
zabbix_config include_timestamp_export_filename app export_timestamps
logging logging logging enabled

For backwards compatibility, all the old option names are still supported, but will be removed in a future version.

See Sample configuration file to see an example of the new configuration file format.


New export formats

Zabbix CLI 3.0 introduces two new export formats: yaml and php. The availability of these formats depends on the Zabbix version you are using.

Furthermore, the formats are no longer case-sensitive. For example, YAML and yaml are now equivalent.

New default export filenames*

Exported files are no longer prefixed with zabbix_export_. This behavior can be re-enabled with the --legacy-filenames option.

Exported files no longer include a timestamp in the filename by default. Newer exports overwrite older ones automatically. Timestamps can be re-anbled by setting the app.export_timestamps option in the configuration file.


Command invocation syntax

In Zabbix CLI 2.x, invoking single commands without entering the REPL required the -C option followed by the command and its arguments as a single string:

zabbix-cli -C 'show_hostgroup "Linux servers"'

In Zabbix CLI 3.0, the -C option is no longer required. Commands can be invoked directly:

zabbix-cli show_hostgroup "Linux servers"

Command syntax

In Zabbix CLI 3.0, the majority of positional arguments are replaced with named options. Each command required a specific number of positional arguments that had to be specified. For example, the export_configuration command in Zabbix CLI 2.x required the following syntax, even when we wanted to export all hosts:

zabbix-cli -C 'export_configuration /tmp/zabbix_export.conf hosts #all#'

In Zabbix CLI 3.0, the same command would look like this:

zabbix-cli export_configuration --directory /tmp/exports --type hosts

We don't have to pass in a special name argument to indicate that we want to export all hosts. Instead, we can simply omit the --name option.


JSON output format

In Zabbix CLI 2.x, the output format of commands generally took the form of a JSON mapping with numeric string keys for each result. For example:

  "0": {
    "hostid": "10609",
    "host": "",
    "groups": [],
    // ...

In the new default JSON format introduced in Zabbix CLI 3.0, the output is always a JSON mapping with the keys message, errors, return_code and result. For example:

  "message": "",
  "errors": [],
  "return_code": "Done",
  "result": {
    "hostid": "10609",
    "host": "",
    "groups": [],
    // ...

Which means when a command fails to execute or returns an error, the shape of the JSON output will be consistent with the successful output, making it significantly easier to parse:

  "message": "Host '' not found. Check your search pattern and filters.",
  "errors": [
    "Host '' not found. Check your search pattern and filters."
  "return_code": "Error",
  "result": null

In case of a chain of errors, the application makes an attempt to populate the errors array with all the errors encountered during the execution of the command.