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The application is configured with a TOML file. The default location is platform-dependent.

  • ./zabbix-cli/zabbix-cli.toml
  • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/zabbix-cli/zabbix-cli.toml
  • $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/zabbix-cli/zabbix-cli.toml
  • ./zabbix-cli/zabbix-cli.toml
  • ~/Library/Application Support/zabbix-cli/zabbix-cli.toml
  • ~/Library/Preferences/zabbix-cli/zabbix-cli.toml
  • .\zabbix-cli\zabbix-cli.toml
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\zabbix-cli\zabbix-cli.toml
  • %APPDATA%\zabbix-cli\zabbix-cli.toml

Create a configuration file

Before using the application, a configuration file must be created. This can be done with the zabbix-cli-init command:


The application will print the location of the created config file:

! Configuration file created: /Users/pederhan/Library/Application Support/zabbix-cli/zabbix-cli.toml

To bootstrap the config with a URL and username, use the options --url and --user:

zabbix-cli-init --url --user Admin

Open configuration directory

The default configuration directory can be opened in the system's file manager with the open command:

zabbix-cli open config

To print the path instead of opening it, use the --path option:

zabbix-cli open config --path

Show configuration file contents

The contents of the current configuration file can be displayed with show_config:

zabbix-cli show_config

Create a sample config

A sample configuration file can be printed to the terminal with the sample_config command. This can be redirected to a file to create a configuration file in an arbitrary location:

zabbix-cli sample_config > /path/to/config.toml

A more convoluted way of creating a default config file in the default location would be:

zabbix-cli sample_config > "$(zabbix-cli open --path config)/zabbix-cli.toml"

Sample configuration file

url = ""
username = "Admin"
password = ""
auth_token = ""
verify_ssl = true

default_hostgroups = [
default_admin_usergroups = []
default_create_user_usergroups = []
default_notification_users_usergroups = [
export_directory = "/home/runner/.local/share/zabbix-cli/exports"
export_format = "json"
export_timestamps = false
use_colors = true
use_auth_token_file = true
auth_token_file = "/home/runner/.local/share/zabbix-cli/.zabbix-cli_auth_token"
auth_file = "/home/runner/.local/share/zabbix-cli/.zabbix-cli_auth"
use_paging = false
output_format = "table"
history = true
history_file = "/home/runner/.local/share/zabbix-cli/history"
allow_insecure_auth_file = true
legacy_json_format = false

enabled = true
log_level = "INFO"
log_file = "/home/runner/.local/state/zabbix-cli/log/zabbix-cli.log"

Configuration options

Required fields are marked with a *.


The api section contains the configuration for the Zabbix API.

url *

URL of the Zabbix API host. Should not include the /api_jsonrpc.php path.

Type: str


Username for the Zabbix API.

Type: str

Default: Admin


Whether to verify SSL certificates.

Type: bool

Default: true


The app section contains the configuration for the application, such as default values for certain commands, output and exports.


Default host groups to assign to hosts created with create_host. Hosts are always added to these groups unless --no-default-hostgroup is provided.

Type: List[str]

Default: ["All-hosts"]


Default user groups to give read/write permissions to groups created with create_hostgroup and create_templategroup when --rw-groups option is not provided.

Type: List[str]

Default: []


Default user groups to add users created with create_user to when --usergroups is not provided.

Type: List[str]

Default: []


Default user groups to add notification users created with create_notification_user to when --usergroups is not provided.

Type: List[str]

Default: ["All-notification-users"]


Directory for exports.

Type: str

Default: "<DATA_DIR>/zabbix-cli/exports"


Format for exports.

Type: str

Default: "json"


Whether to include timestamps in export filenames.

Type: bool

Default: false


Whether to use colors in the output.

Type: bool

Default: true


Whether to use an auth token file.

Type: bool

Default: true


Whether to use paging in the output.

Type: bool

Default: false


Format for the output.

Type: str

Default: "table"


Whether to keep a history of commands.

Type: bool

Default: true


File for storing the history of commands.

Type: str

Default: "<DATA_DIR>/zabbix-cli/history"


Whether to allow insecure auth files.

Type: bool

Default: true


Whether to use the legacy JSON format (pre-Zabbix CLI 3.0), where the output is a JSON mapping with numeric string keys for each result. See the migration guide for more information.

Type: bool

Default: false


The logging section contains the configuration for logging.


Whether logging is enabled.

Type: bool

Default: true


Level for logging.

Type: str

Default: "ERROR"


File for storing logs.

Type: str

Default: "<LOG_DIR>/zabbix-cli.log"