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export_configuration [OPTIONS]

Export Zabbix configuration for one or more components.

Uses defaults from Zabbix-CLI configuration file if not specified.

NOTE: --name arguments are globs, not regex patterns.

Filename scheme is as follows:


But it can be changed to the legacy scheme with --legacy-filenames:


Timestamps are disabled by default, but can be enabled with the app.export_timestamps configuration option.

Shows detailed information about exported files in JSON output mode.


Export everything


Export all host groups

export_configuration --type host_groups

Export all host groups containing 'Linux'

export_configuration --type host_groups --name '*Linux*'

Export all template groups and templates containing 'Linux' or 'Windows'

export_configuration --type template_groups --type templates --name '*Linux*,*Windows*'


--directory <DIRECTORY>
Directory to export configuration to. Overrides directory in config.
Type: text

--type <TYPES,[TYPES...]>
Type(s) of objects to export. Can be specified multiple times. Defaults to all object types.
Separate multiple values with commas, or use --type multiple times.
Type: choice
Choices: host_groups, template_groups, hosts, images, maps, templates, mediaTypes
Default: []

--name <NAMES>
Name(s) of objects to export. Comma-separated list.
Type: text

--format <FORMAT>
Format to export to. Overrides export format in config.
Type: choice
Choices: xml, json, yaml, php

Pretty-print output. Not supported for XML.
Type: boolean (flag)
Default: False

Open export directory in file explorer after exporting.
Type: boolean (flag)
Default: False

Enable best-effort exporting. Print errors but continue exporting.
Type: boolean (flag)
Default: False


import_configuration <TO_IMPORT> [OPTIONS]

Import Zabbix configuration from file, directory or glob pattern.

Imports all files in all subdirectories if a directory is specified. Uses default export directory if no argument is specified.

Determines format to import based on file extensions.


Path to file or directory to import configuration from. Accepts glob pattern. Uses default export directory if not specified.
Type: text


Preview files to import.
Type: boolean (flag)
Default: False

Create missing objects.
Type: boolean (flag)
Default: True

Update existing objects.
Type: boolean (flag)
Default: True

Delete missing objects.
Type: boolean (flag)
Default: False

Enable best-effort importing. Print errors from failed imports but continue importing.
Type: boolean (flag)
Default: False