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Zabbix-cli provides several ways to authenticate. They are tried in the following order:

  1. API Token - Environment variables
  2. API Token - Config file
  3. Session file
  4. Password - Environment variables
  5. Password - Config file
  6. Password - Auth file
  7. Password - Prompt

API Token

The application supports authenticating with an API token. API tokens are created in the Zabbix frontend or via zabbix-cli create_token.

Environment variables

The API token can be set as an environment variable:


Config file

The token can be set directly in the config file:

auth_token = "API_TOKEN"

Session file

The application can store and reuse session tokens between runs. Multiple sessions can be stored at the same time, which allows for switching between different users and/or Zabbix servers seamlessly without having to re-authenticate.

This feature is enabled by default and configurable via the following options:

# Enable persistent sessions (default: true)
use_session_file = true

# Customize token file location (optional)
session_file = "/path/to/auth/token/file"

# Enforce secure file permissions (600) (default: true, no effect on Windows)
allow_insecure_auth_file = false

How it works:

  • Log in once with username and password
  • Token is automatically saved to the file
  • Subsequent runs will use the saved token for authentication

When allow_insecure_auth_file is set to false, the application will attempt to set 600 (read/write for owner only) permissions on the token file when creating/updating it.

Username and Password

The application supports authenticating with a username and password. The password can be set in the config file, an auth file, as environment variables, or prompted for when starting the application.

Environment variables

The username and password can be set as environment variables:

export ZABBIX_USERNAME="Admin"
export ZABBIX_PASSWORD="zabbix"

Config file

The password can be set directly in the config file:

username = "Admin"
password = "zabbix"

Auth file

A file named .zabbix-cli_auth can be created in the user's home directory or in the application's data directory. The file should contain a single line of text in the format USERNAME::PASSWORD.

echo "Admin::zabbix" > ~/.zabbix-cli_auth

The location of the auth file file can be changed in the config file:

auth_file = "~/.zabbix-cli_auth"


When all other authentication methods fail, the application will prompt for a username and password. The default username in the prompt can be configured:

username = "Admin"


The URL of the Zabbix API can be set in the config file, as an environment variable, or prompted for when starting the application.

They are processed in the following order:

  1. Environment variables
  2. Config file
  3. Prompt

The URL should not include /api_jsonrpc.php.

Environment variables

The URL can also be set as an environment variable:

export ZABBIX_URL=""

Config file

The URL of the Zabbix API can be set in the config file:

url = ""


When all other methods fail, the application will prompt for the URL of the Zabbix API.