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Zabbix-cli provides several ways to authenticate. They are tried in the following order if multiple are set:

  1. API token from config file
  2. API token from environment variables
  3. Auth token from auth token file
  4. Username and password from config file
  5. Username and password from auth file
  6. Username and password from environment variables
  7. Username and password from prompt

Username and Password

Password-based authentication is the default way to authenticate with Zabbix-cli. If the application is unable to determine authentication from other sources, it will prompt for a username and password.

Config file

The password can be set directly in the config file:

zabbix_url = ""
username = "Admin"
password = "zabbix"

Auth file

An auth file named .zabbix-cli_auth can be created in the user's home directory. The content of this file should be in the USERNAME::PASSWORD format.

echo "Admin::zabbix" > ~/.zabbix-cli_auth

The location of this file can be changed in the config file:

auth_file = "/path/to/auth/file"

Environment variables

The username and password can be set as environment variables:

export ZABBIX_USERNAME="Admin"
export ZABBIX_PASSWORD="zabbix"


By omitting the password parameter in the config file or when all other authentication methods have been exhausted, you will be prompted for a password when starting zabbix-cli:

zabbix_url = ""
username = "Admin"

API token

API token authentication foregoes the need for a username and password. The token can be an API token created in the web frontend or a user's session token obtained by logging in.

API token (config file)

API token can be specified directly in the config file:

auth_token = "API_TOKEN"

API token (environment variables)

API token can be specified as an environment variable:


Auth token file

The application can store the session token returned by the Zabbix API when logging in to a file on your computer. The file is then used for subsequent sessions to authenticate with the Zabbix API.

This feature useful when authenticating with a username and password from a prompt, which would otherwise require you to enter your password every time you start the application.

The feature is enabled by default in the config file:

use_auth_token_file = true

The location of the auth token file can be changed in the config file:

auth_token_file = "/path/to/auth/token/file"

By default, the auth token file is not required to have secure permissions. If you want to require the file to have 600 (rw-------) permissions, you can set allow_insecure_auth_file=false in the config file. This has no effect on Windows.

allow_insecure_auth_file = false

Zabbix-cli attempts to set 600 permissions when writing the auth token file if allow_insecure_auth_file=false.