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Zabbix CLI

Zabbix CLI is a command line application for interacting with Zabbix version 6 or later. It is written in Python and uses the Zabbix API to interact with a Zabbix server.

Installation Instructions

It is highly recommended to install the package with pipx to avoid conflicts with other Python packages on your system.

pip install pipx
pipx install git+

This will install zabbix-cli in an isolated environment and make it available on your system path.


We are in the process of acquiring the unmaintained PyPI package name zabbixcli, which will allow us to publish this package on PyPI under the name zabbix-cli. Until then, the package is only available on GitHub.

If you prefer to install the package with pip, you can do so with the following command:

pip install git+

This will install zabbix-cli in your user environment.

You can install zabbix-cli with Homebrew:

brew install zabbix-cli


The Homebrew package is not maintained by the author of zabbix-cli. It may be outdated or contain bugs. For the most up to date version, follow the installation instructions for pipx.

We build binaries with PyInstaller for each tagged release of Zabbix-cli. You can download the latest release from the GitHub releases page.

Depending on your platform, you might need to make the binary executable:

# Rename and move the binary to a location in your PATH
mv zabbix-cli-ubuntu-22.04-3.12 /usr/local/bin/zabbix-cli

# Make it executable
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/zabbix-cli

For the next steps or ways to customize the installation, head over to the detailed installation guide.