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Scan an artifact

We can scan an artifact using scan_artifact. The method takes a project name, repository name, and a tag or digest. The method starts a scan and returns nothing on success.

import asyncio
from harborapi import HarborAsyncClient

client = HarborAsyncClient(...)

async def main() -> None:
    await client.scan_artifact("library", "hello-world", "latest")
    # or
    await client.scan_artifact("library", "hello-world", "sha256:123456abcdef...")

Stop a scan

We can stop a running scan by using stop_artifact_scan. The method takes a project name, repository name, and a tag or digest. The method returns nothing on success.

import asyncio
from harborapi import HarborAsyncClient

client = HarborAsyncClient(...)

async def main() -> None:
    await client.stop_artifact_scan("library", "hello-world", "latest")
    # or
    await client.stop_artifact_scan("library", "hello-world", "sha256:123456abcdef...")