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Get artifact scan overview

We can fetch the scan overview for an artifact using the with_scan_overview argument. This will include a brief overview of the scan results for the artifact. To fetch the full vulnerability report (a separate API call), see the Get artifact vulnerability report recipe.

import asyncio
from harborapi import HarborAsyncClient

client = HarborAsyncClient(...)

async def main() -> None:
    artifact = await client.get_artifact(

This will populate the scan_overview field of the artifact with a mapping of the different scan overviews available for the artifact, each key being a MIME-type and each value being a NativeReportSummary object.

# ['application/; version=1.1']
print(artifact.scan_overview["application/; version=1.1"])
# NativeReportSummary(report_id="foo123", ...)

In almost every case, only a single scan overview will be available for the artifact. In those cases, we can use the scan attribute to access the first NativeReportSummary object found in the scan_overview mapping.

# NativeReportSummary(report_id="foo123", ...)

Check the NativeReportSummary API reference for all available fields. For example, we can get the status, severity, and ID of the scan overview:

print("Status:", artifact.scan.scan_status)
# 'Success'
print("Severity:", artifact.scan.severity)
# 'Critical'
print("Report ID:", artifact.scan.report_id)
# 'foo123'

The scan.summary field is a VulnerabilitySummary object, which we can use to get a summary of the number of vulnerabilities found:

print("Critical:", artifact.scan.summary.critical)
print("High:", artifact.scan.summary.high)
print("Medium:", artifact.scan.summary.medium)
print("Low:", artifact.scan.summary.low)
print("Unknown:", artifact.scan.summary.unknown)
print("Fixable:", artifact.scan.summary.critical)

Specific MIME type scan overview

If we want to fetch the scan overview given a specific MIME-type, we can use the mime_type argument:

artifact = await client.get_artifact(
        mime_type="application/; version=1.1",
scan = artifact.scan_overview["application/; version=1.1"]