BaseModelType = TypeVar('BaseModelType', bound=BaseModel)
model_params_from_ctx(ctx: typer.Context, model: Type[BaseModel], filter_none: bool = True) -> dict[str, Any]
Get CLI options from a Typer context that correspond with Pydantic model field names.
Given a command where the function parameter names match the model field names, the function returns a dict of the parameters that are valid for the model.
If filter_none
is True, then parameters that are None will be filtered out.
This is enabled by default, since most Harbor API model fields are optional,
and we want to signal to Pydantic that these fields should be treated
as unset rather than set to None.
>>> from pydantic import BaseModel
>>> class Foo(BaseModel):
... foo: str
... bar: str
>>> foo = Foo(foo="foo", bar="bar")
>>> ctx = typer.Context(...) # some-cmd --bar grok --baz quux
>>> model_params_from_ctx(ctx, Foo)
{"bar": "grok"} # baz is not a valid field for Foo
Source code in harbor_cli/utils/args.py
create_updated_model(existing: BaseModel, new: Type[BaseModelType], ctx: typer.Context, extra: bool = False, empty_ok: bool = False) -> BaseModelType
Given an existing model instance and another model type, instantiate other model based on the fields of the existing model combined with CLI args passed in by the user.
When we call a PUT enpdoint, the API expects the full model definition, but we want to allow the user to only specify the fields they want to update. This function allows us to do that, by taking an existing model fetched via a GET call and updating it with new values from the Typer context.
To further complicate things, Harbor API generally uses a different model definition for updating resources (PUT) than the one fetched from a GET call. For example, fetching information about a project returns a Project object, while updating a project requires a ProjectUpdateReq object.
These models largely contain the same fields, but might have certain deviations.
For example, the Project model has a creation_time
field, while the
ProjectUpdateReq model does not.
This function allows us to create, for example, a ProjectUpdateReq object from a combination of a Project object and CLI args that correspond with the fields of the ProjectUpdateReq model.
See model_params_from_ctx for more information on how the CLI context is used to provide the updated fields for the new model.
>>> from pydantic import BaseModel
>>> class Foo(BaseModel):
... a: Optional[int]
... b: Optional[str]
... c: Optional[bool]
>>> class FooUpdateReq(BaseModel):
... a: Optional[int]
... b: Optional[str]
... c: Optional[bool]
... d: bool = False
>>> foo = Foo(a=1, b="foo", c=True)
>>> # we get a ctx object from a Typer command
>>> ctx = typer.Context(...) # update-foo --a 2 --b bar
>>> foo_update = create_updated_model(foo, FooUpdateReq, ctx)
>>> foo_update
FooUpdateReq(a=2, b='bar', c=True, d=False)
>>> # ^^^ ^^^^^^^
>>> # We created a FooUpdateReq with the new values from the context
Name | Type | Description | Default |
existing |
The existing model to use as a base. |
required |
new |
The new model type to construct. |
required |
ctx |
The Typer context to get the updated model parameters from. |
required |
extra |
Whether to include extra fields set on the existing model. |
empty_ok |
Whether to allow the update to be empty. If False, an error will be raised if no parameters are provided to update. |
Type | Description |
The updated model. |
Source code in harbor_cli/utils/args.py
parse_commalist(arg: Optional[List[str]]) -> List[str]
Parses an optional argument that can be specified multiple times, or as a comma-separated string, into a list of strings.
harbor subcmd --arg foo --arg bar,baz
will be parsed as: ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>>> parse_commalist(["foo", "bar,baz"])
["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>>> parse_commalist([])
>>> parse_commalist(None)
Source code in harbor_cli/utils/args.py
parse_commalist_int(arg: Optional[List[str]]) -> List[int]
Parses a comma-separated list and converts the values to integers.
Source code in harbor_cli/utils/args.py
parse_key_value_args(arg: list[str]) -> dict[str, str]
Parses a list of key=value arguments.
Source code in harbor_cli/utils/args.py
as_query(**kwargs: Any) -> str
Converts keyword arguments into a query string.
construct_query_list(*values: Any, union: bool = True, allow_empty: bool = False, comma: bool = False) -> str
Given a key and a list of values, returns a harbor API query string with values as a list with union or intersection relationship (default: union).
Falsey values are ignored if allow_empty is False (default).
>>> construct_query_list("foo", "bar", "baz", union=True)
'{foo bar baz}'
>>> construct_query_list("foo", "bar", "baz", union=False)
'(foo bar baz)'
>>> construct_query_list("", "bar", "baz")
'{bar baz}'
>>> construct_query_list("", "bar", "baz", allow_empty=True)
'{ bar baz}'
>>> construct_query_list("", "bar", "baz", comma=True)
Source code in harbor_cli/utils/args.py
deconstruct_query_list(qlist: str) -> list[str]
Given a harbor API query string with values as a list (either union and intersection), returns a list of values. Will break if values contain spaces.
>>> deconstruct_query_list("{foo bar baz}")
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> deconstruct_query_list("(foo bar baz)")
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> deconstruct_query_list("{}")
Source code in harbor_cli/utils/args.py
add_to_query(query: str | None, **kwargs: str | list[str] | None) -> str
Given a query string and a set of keyword arguments, returns a new query string with the keyword arguments added to it. Keyword arguments that are already present in the query string will be overwritten.
Always returns a string, even if the resulting query string is empty.
TODO: allow fuzzy matching, e.g. foo=~bar
>>> add_to_query("foo=bar", baz="qux")
>>> add_to_query("foo=bar", foo="baz")
>>> add_to_query(None, foo="baz")
>>> add_to_query("foo=foo", foo="bar")
'foo={foo bar}'
Source code in harbor_cli/utils/args.py
get_project_arg(project_name_or_id: str) -> str | int
Given a project name or ID argument (prefixed with 'id:'), return a project name (str) or project ID (int).
get_user_arg(username_or_id: str) -> str | int
Given a username or ID argument (prefixed with 'id:'), return a username (str) or user ID (int).